C Program To Print Factorial Of 1 to n Number's

Ex: What is the logic to print factorial of 1 to n Number's. How to print factorial of 1 to n numbers. C program to print factorial of 1 to n number.

Input from user:
Enter the number: 5

Expected output:
Factorial of 1 is: 1
Factorial of 1 is: 2
Factorial of 1 is: 6
Factorial of 1 is: 24
Factorial of 1 is: 120

  Logic to print factorial of 1 to n number's:

1. Accept input number from user.

2. Run outer for loop from 1 to no:

3. Make f=i.

4. Run inner for loop from i to 2 and inside the inner for loop add given factorial logic:

5. After that outside the inner loop print value of f means factorial numbers.

  C  Program To Print Factorial Of 1 to n Number's:

void main()
 int i,j,no,f;
    printf("Enter the number:\n");
     printf("Factorial of %d is = %d\n",i,f);

Above Program show's the following output:

C  Program To Print Factorial Of 1 to n Number's

Mostly Asked 25 C Programming Apti MCQ Questions

In this article, I will share some frequently asked C programming aptitude questions.

1. Which header file  do you need  to include to use  typecasting?

  • <stdin.h>
  • <ctype.h>
  • <math.h>
  • none of these

2. # include is called____________

  • Preprocessor Directive
  • Inclusion Directive
  • File inclusion directive
  • none of these

3A local  variable  is store in_______

  • code segment
  • stack  segment
  • heap segment
  • none of these

4. An exception is ________

  • Runtime Error
  • Compile Error
  • Logical Error
  • None of the above

5Which of the  following is valid expression for assigning the value to the variable?

  • a==b
  • a:=b
  • a=b
  • none of the above

6Which of the following is not a reserve keyword for c?

  • auto
  • case
  • main
  • Register

7Which of the following is not correct variable type

  • float
  • real
  • double
  • int

8. Every function  in c is followed by

  • parenthesis
  • square brackets
  • curly braces
  • All of the above

9. In command  line argument the parameter argc passed to main is of______ datatype

  • float
  • int
  • string
  • double

10. What will be the following code's output if choice = 'R'?

   case 'R' : printf("RED");
   case 'W' : printf("WHITE");
   case 'B' : printf("BLUE");
   default  : printf("ERROR");break;

  • RED

11What is the correct value to return to the operating system on the successful  completion of key program?
  • -1
  • 1
  • 0
  • It does not return any value

12. An array of similar data types which themselves are a collection of dissimilar data types are___

  • Linked lists
  • Trees
  • Array of structure
  • All of the above

13. What will happen after compiling and running following code?

     printf("%p", main);

  • Error
  • Will make an infinite loop
  • Some address will be printed.
  • None of these.

14. What will be the output if you will compile and execute the following C code?

int main()
int a=5;
float b;
return 0;

  • 26
  • 46
  • 25
  • 45

15How many times do while loop guaranteed to loop?

  • 0
  • infinity
  • 1
  • variable

16int a[5] = {1,2,3}
What is the value of a[4]?

  • 3
  • 1
  • 2
  • 0

17. Which of the following operator can be used to access value at address store in a pointer variable...

  • *
  • #
  • &&
  • @

18Which  conversion  is  not possible...

  • int to float
  • float to int
  • char to float
  • All of the above is possible

19What will be the output of the program ?

void main()
    printf(5+"Good Morning");

  • Good Morning
  • M  
  • Good
  • Morning

20. Program are converted into machine language with the help of ____

  • an Editor
  • a compiler
  • an operating system
  • none of these

21The  correct  order of  evaluation for the expression “z=x+y*z/4%2-1”

  • */%=+-
  • /*%-+=
  • -+=*%/
  • */%+-=

22. Which of the following function disconnected the stream  from the file pointer?

  • fclose()
  • remove()
  • fremove()
  • file pointer to be set to null

23To flush the memory used by memory n allocation functions, we  use______ function.

  • dealloc()
  • erase()
  • clear()
  • free()

24Which of the following adds one string to end of the  another

  • append()
  • stringadd()
  • strcat()
  • stradd()

25. What will be the output of the given program?

void main()
    int a=11,b=5;
    if(a=5) b++;
    printf("%d %d", ++a, b++);

  • 12 7
  • 5 6
  • 6 6
  • 6 7



C Program To Find Area Of Circle

Ex: write a C program to find Area of the circle. How to write a C program to find area of circle. C program to find area of circle.

Input from user:

Enter the radius of the circle: 5

Expected Output:

Area of circle is: 78.500000

To find area of circle we need to use pi(π). Because pi(π) represents  the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

Step by step logic of the program:

1. First  we need to declare two variable's. One for accepting radius of the circle from user and second one is for store the area of circle.

2. So declare variable's  r for radius of the circle and a for  area of the circle.

3. To find area use area of circle's simple logic which π*r^2(pi r square).

4. Here pi's value is 3.14. so we will write a=3.14*r*r.(here r=5)

5. Last we will print value of a(area of circle) on the output screen.


int main()

 int r;
 float a;

 printf("enter the radius of the circle:\n");


 printf("Area of circle is %f",a);

return 0;

Above program shows the following output:

C  Program To Find Area Of Circle

C Program To Find Area Of Triangle

Ex: write a C program to find area of triangle. How to write a C program which find area of triangle. C Program To Print area of triangle.

Input from user:
Enter the breadth of triangle: 5
Enter the height of triangle: 10

Expected output:
Area of triangle: 25.0000

Step by step descriptive logic of the given program:

1. First accept breadth and height of the triangle from user.

2. Use variable b for breadth and h for height of the triangle and a for store area of triangle.

3. In the logic  multiply breadth into height and devide it by 2 a=(b*h)/2

4. Print a(area of triangle) on the output screen.



int main()

 int b,h;

 float a;

  printf("Enter the breadth of triangle\n");


 printf("Enter the height of the triangle\n");    



 printf("Area of triangle is %f",a);

return 0;


Above program shows the following output:

C Program To Find Area Of Triangle

C Program To Find Circumference Of Circle

Ex: Write a C program to find circumference of circle. How to write a C program to find circumference of circle. C program to find circumference of circle.

Input from user:
Enter the number: 9

Expected output:
Circumference of circle is 56.520000

Step by step logic of the given program:

1. Accept input from user declare variable say no.

2. To find circumference of circle use following circumference formula:

3. But in logic of the program we need to add pi's value means 3.14.

4. We will find circumference of circle as follows:

5. Print value of c (circumference of circleon the output screen.


void main()
int r;
float c;

printf("enter the radius of circle\n");


printf("circumference of circle is %f",c);


Above two Program's show's the following output:

C Program To Find Circumference Of  Circle

C Program To Print "Welcome" without using semicolon's using "Switch-case"

  Program Using switch case:

void main()


Above Program show's the following output:

C Program To Print "Welcome" without using semicolon's using "Switch-case"

C Program To Print "Welcome" without using (;) "semicolon's" using if-statement

  Print welcome without using semicolons:

void main()

Above Program show's the following output:

C program to print welcome without using semicolons using if statement

C Program To Print Number Is Even or Odd Without Using "if-else" Statement Using "Switch-Case"

Program to Print number is even or odd without using if-else statement using switch case:

int main()
int no;
printf("enter the no\n");
/*If number is completely divisible by 2 means (no%2=0) is true then inside the case 0: print number is even, otherwise inside the case 1: print number is odd.*/
case 0: printf("no is even");
case 1: printf("no is odd");
    return 0;

Above Program show's the following output:

C Program To Print Number Is Even or Odd Without Using  "if-else" Statement Using "Switch-Case"

C Program To Print Maximum Number Between Two Numbers Using Switch Case

Ex: write a C program to find maximum number between two numbers without using if-else using switch case. How to write a C program to find maximum number between two numbers without using if-else using switch case.
c program to print maximum out of two numbers without using if-else statement using Switch Case.

Input from user:

Enter value of a: 5

Enter value of b: 15

Expected Output:

Maximum is b=15.

In below code we will print max out of two numbers without using if-else statement's. Here we will use switch-case to find the max number of given two numbers.

  Step by Step Logic of the program:

1. First we will accept two numbers from user which say a & b.

2. After that we will store the output of a/b in the switch. Switch (a/b)

3. If output in zero then case 0 will work means max is b.

4. Otherwise in default- a is max.

  C Program To Print Maximum Number  Between Two Numbers  Using Switch Case:


int main()
  int a,b;

printf("enter value of a\n");

printf("enter value of b\n");



   case 0:

   printf("max is b=%d",b);


   printf("max is a=%d",a);


  return 0;


Above Program show's the following output:

C Program To Print Maximum Number  Between Two Numbers  Using Switch Case

C Program To Reverse the String without using "strrev()" function

Ex: Write a C Program To Reverse the String without using "strrev()" function. How to write a C Program To Reverse the String without using "strrev()" function. C Program To Reverse the String without using "strrev()" function.


void main()
char a[100],b[100];
int i,j,len;

printf(" \n Please Enter Any String : ");

/*Calculate length of string using strlen() function and store result in variable len*/

//Run for loop from len-1 to 0.
//store reversed string in array b.
//Print reversed string
printf("\n String After Reversing = %s",b);


Above Program show's the following output:

C Program To Reverse the String without using "strrev()" function