Java program to print addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of given two numbers

EX: Write a java program which perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. How to write a java program which prints addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of  two numbers. java program which perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Java Scanner class | Java Scanner demo program

Scanner Class In Java:

Scanner class is used to collect user input. To create an object of Scanner class first we need to import java.util.Scanner class and we need to pass predefined object

  •  To read the values of certain data types, Syntax is: nextDatatype() 

Write a java program to swap two numbers

Ex: Write a java program to swap two numbers. How to write a java program to swap two numbers using temp variable. java program to swap two numbers using temp variable.

Write a Java Program to Print Given Number is Even or Odd

In this example, You will learn how to print given number is even or odd using java. In below program we will use if-else statements to check given number is even or odd.

Write first java program which prints message on the output screen

Ex: Write your first java program which prints Hello Java. How to Write first java program which prints message on the output screen. Java program which prints Hello Java message on the output screen

Java programming introduction for beginners

Java Programming introduction for beginners

  Introduction to Java programming:

Java is a mostely used and one of the most popular programming languages, which is developed by sun Microsystems in 1991. Java is developed by James Gosling and Patrick Naughton.

Learn C Programming in Easy Way | codeforhunger

In this article I am going to share all C programming exercises and solutions. Here, you will find all C programming exercises and examples on this blog.

To start learning Programming first you need to know what is programming and why it is important to learn.

How to Write Correct Code in C Programming and Where to Begin

To start coding in C you need to start learning C programming first and most important thing is your interest should be in C programming.

C Program to Print 2 15 41 80 132 197 275 366 Numbers Series

Ex: Write a C program to print 2 15 41 80 132 197 275 366 numbers series. How to write a C program to print 2 15 41 80 132 197 275 366 numbers series. C program to print 2 15 41 80 132 197 275 366 numbers series.

Input from user:

Enter the number: 8

Expected output:

2 15 41 80 132 197 275 366

C Program to Print 1 3 8 15 27 50 92 Number Series

Ex: Write a C program to print 1 3 8 15 27 50 92 number series. How to write a C program to print 1 3 8 15 27 50 92 number series. C program to print 1 3 8 15 27 50 92 number series.

Input from user:
Enter the number: 8

Expected output:
1 3 8 15 27 50 92