Java program to compute expression and print output.

EX: Write a java program to calculate the expression and print output. How to write a java program which will compute expression and print output on the output screen. java program to compute expression and print output.

C program to print ASCII value of character

EX: Write a C program to print ASCII value of character. How to write a C program which prints ASCII value of character. C program to print ASCII value of character.

C program to accept input from user and print it on the output screen

 EX: Write a c program to accept input from user and print it on the output screen. How to write a c program to accept input from user and print it on the output screen. C program to accept input from user and print it on the output screen.

Java program to accept five subjects marks from student and print total and percentage on the output screen

EX: Write a java program to accept five subjects marks from student and print total and percentage on the output screen. How to write a java program to accept five subjects marks and print total and percentage. Java program to accept marks from students and print total and percentage.

Java program to find area of triangle

EX: Write a java program to find area of triangle. How to write a java program to find area of triangle. Java program to find area of triangle.

Write a java program to find area of circle

 EX: Write a java program to find area of circle. How to write a java program to find area of circle. Java program to find area of circle.

Logic to find area of circle: 

To find area of circle we can use formula of area of circle which is π r² .

Here, r is radius and value of pi is 3.14. 

Java program to print addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of given two numbers

EX: Write a java program which perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. How to write a java program which prints addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of  two numbers. java program which perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Java Scanner class | Java Scanner demo program

Scanner Class In Java:

Scanner class is used to collect user input. To create an object of Scanner class first we need to import java.util.Scanner class and we need to pass predefined object

  •  To read the values of certain data types, Syntax is: nextDatatype() 

Write a java program to swap two numbers

Ex: Write a java program to swap two numbers. How to write a java program to swap two numbers using temp variable. java program to swap two numbers using temp variable.

Write a Java Program to Print Given Number is Even or Odd

In this example, You will learn how to print given number is even or odd using java. In below program we will use if-else statements to check given number is even or odd.