C program to display user details using id

EX: Write a C program to display user details using id. How to  write a C program to display user details. C program to display student details using their id.

In this program we will use switch case to print user details.... But you can also do this program using if-else-if statements.

How to write a id and password validation program in C

EX: Write a C program to print message only if id and password is correct. How to write a id and password validation program in C. C program for login using id and password.

In this program we will use Nested switch statement in C. In simple words Nested switch statement means switch statement defined inside the another switch statement. 

C program to append data into a file

In this program we will learn How to append data into a file.

EX: Write a C program to append data into a file, How to write a C program to append contents into a file. C program to append data into a file.

C program to search the number from array with its position

In these program we will learn how to write a C program to search the number from array with its position.

EX: Write a C program to search the number from array with its position. How to write a C program to search the element from array elements. C program to search the number from array with its position.

C program to replace an element in an array with its position

In these example we will learn how to replace or insert new element in an array. 

Ex: Write a C program to replace an element in an array with its position, How to write a C program to replace an element from array, C program to insert and replace element from array.

C program to get data from user and store it into the file

In these tutorial we will learn how to input data from user and store it into the file...

EX: Write a program in C to create and store information in a text file, How to write C program to get data from user and print it on the output screen, C program to write data into a file.

C program to read data from file using fgets() function

In this exercise we will learn how to read data from file using fgets() function... 

EX: Write a C program to read data from file using fgets(), C program to read data from file, How to read content from the file in C.

In previous program we learnt how to read data from file using fgetc(). In this program we will use  fgets() to read content from the file.

C program to read data from file using fgetc() function

 In this program we will learn how to read data from file...

EX: Write a C program to read data from file, C program to read data from file and display its contents.

Write a C program to create a file

EX: Write a C program to create a file. How do you create file in file handling. C program to create file.

To learn file handling in C programming first we need to start from creating a file in C. To create a file in C there is a following syntax is used.

Java program to calculate foot to centimeters

 EX: Write a java program to calculate foot to centimeters. How to write a java program to calculate foot to centimeters. Java program to calculate foot to centimeters.