Length of an Array in Java | Java Program to find Length of an Array

In this article you will learn how to find array length in java. But, before learning how to find array length, you should know exactly array length means what.

In short array length means the limit of elements that array can hold. See in the below diagram we have stored 7 elements in array so length of this array is 7.

How to Print Arrays in Java | Java Program to Accept and Print Array Elements

In this article we are going to learn how to accept and print array elements in Java. 

How to print arrays in java: 

To print array elements we first need to accept it from user. In this post we will learn how to accept array elements from user dynamically and print it on the output screen. Simple java program to insert elements in array. 

How to Sort Arrays in Java

In this post we will learn how to write a  java program to sort array elements. How to sort arrays in java. Sorting array elements means storing or printing it in ascending or descending order. So let's see how to print given array elements in sorted manner.

Java Program to Print Square of Given Array Elements

In previous post we learnt how to print multiplication of given array elements. In this post we will learn how to print squares of given array elements. So let's get started... :)

Java Program to Print Multiplication of Given Array Elements

Java program to print multiplication of given array elements

In previous post we learnt how to print Sum of given array elements. In this post we will learn how to print multiplication of given array elements. 

Java Program to Print Sum of given Array Elements

In previous  post we learnt how to check given element is present in array or not. In this post we will learn how to print sum of given array elements. So let's get started... :)

  Step by step logic of the given program:

1. Accept array limit from user store it in variable say lim.

2. Accept elements from user. Run a for loop from 0 to arr.length-1 and store elements one by one in array:

Java Program to Check whether Given Element is Present in Array or not

In previous tutorial we learnt how to accept and print array elements. In this post we will learn is given element is present in array or not, Java program to check whether given element is present in array or not.

Factorial Program In Java

Factorial Program in Java:

Factorial of a number means the product of all positive descending integers. 
for example: If we want to calculate factorial of 5 then it will be written as 
5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120 . So 120 is the factorial of  5.

  Program to Print Factorial of a given number:

Fibonacci Series Program In Java

Fibonacci Series In Java:

The fibonacci series is a series where the next number is the sum of previous two numbers.  
for examples:  0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 etc

above you can see first two numbers of fibonacci series are 0 and 1.

Java program to calculate gross salary of an employee

Ex: Write a java program to calculate gross salary of an employee. How to write a java program to calculate gross salary of an employee using DA and HRA. Java program to calculate gross salary of an employee using DA and HRA.  

We can calculate gross salary   of an  employee using following DA and HRA. The  DA is   20%   of   the   basic   salary   while   the   HRA   is   30%   of   the   basic salary and gross salary is addition of basic salary, DA and HRA.