Strings In Java

In this post we will study what is strings in Java and why they are immutable. Let's start by understanding what strings are in Java  

In Java, a string is a sequence of characters that is used to represent text.. Strings are immutable in java that means once a string is created, its value cannot be changed. We will explore it later in the article.

In Java, there are different ways to create strings. You can use double quotes "" or the new keyword. We will  see how to put strings together, which is called string combination. We will also discover efficient ways to combine strings using the + operator and the concat() method.  Let's learn about these methods and when to use them.

Rise Of The Machines: How AI Will Revolutionize Every Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. With advancements in machine learning, natural language processing and robotics, automation is now more powerful and intelligent than ever before. In this article, we will be exploring how AI will revolutionize every industry, and examine its potential benefits, risks, and ethical implications.

Revolution of AI, Rise of the machines, future of ai

AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in a machine, enabling it to learn, reason, and

Abstraction In Java With Example

Abstraction in Java simply means hiding certain details from the user and showing only essential information to the user.

  • Here is a real-life example of abstraction: Through the ATM machine, banks only show essential information to people, such as withdrawing money and checking account balances, by hiding the internal implementation or mechanism.
  • Another real-life example of abstraction is

Polymorphism In Java With Examples

In this post, we will learn about polymorphism in Java and how it works. So, without wasting any time, let's get into the discussion.

The term "polymorphism" means having many forms. In simple terms, it refers to the ability of something to exist in different forms or have different behaviors. It allows us to perform a single action in different or multiple ways. 

Here is the real-life example of Polymorphism: In everyday life, a

Encapsulation In Java With Examples

Encapsulation in java means binding data and code together into a single unit.

In simple words Encapsulation is like putting things inside a box and controlling who can access them. In Java, we use classes to create these boxes. Each box (class) has some data (variables) and actions (methods) that can be performed on that data.

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Top Online Java Courses With Certification

Java is a popular programming language used for developing various types of software applications, like desktop applications, mobile applications, web applications, enterprise software, games, and many more. If you're interested in learning Java, online courses are a great way to start. There are so many online Java courses available, it can be challenging to choose the best one for your needs. In this article, We will be highlighting a number of outstanding Java courses that are available online for learners of all skill levels.

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Inheritance in Java with Examples

In this post we are going to learn what is inheritance in java and what are the types of inheritance in java with their examples.

Inheritance in java is a Object Oriented Programming(OOPS) concept, which allows one class to

Generic Class Example in Java

In this post we are going to learn what is generic class with example. Generic class in java example. 

A Generic class means in that class we can use any type as parameter(T).  In this example we are using the T type parameter to create a generic class.