C Program to Print Subtraction of Given Two Numbers

Ex: Write a C program to print Subtraction of given two number. How to print subtraction of given two numbers. C Program to print subtraction of two numbers.

Input from user:
Enter the value of a and b:
50 20

Expected output:
Subtraction is: 30

  Step by step logic of the given program:

1. Accept two numbers from user declare variables say a and b.

2.subtract b from a(a-b) and store subtraction in variable c.

3. Print Subtraction on the output screen:
printf("Subtraction is %d",c);

  C program to print subtraction of given two numbers :

/***C program to print subtraction of two numbers***/

void main()
 int a,b,c;//declear three intiger type variables
 //Get input from user
 printf("Enter the value of a and b\n");

 c=a-b;//subract b from a
//display subtraction
 printf("Subtraction is %d",c);

Above program shows the following output:

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