C star pattern programming exercises and examples

C star pattern programming exercises and examples

In this tutorial you will learn star pattern programs with their solutions. You can practice it to enhance your programming logic. I hope this exercises will help you to understand working of looping statements, if-else statements and more.

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  Exercises and Examples of star patterns in C:

1. Write a C program to print square star pattern.

2. Write a C program to print rhombus star pattern.

3. Write a C program to print mirrored rhombus star pattern.

4. Write a C program to print hollow square star pattern.

5. Write a C program to print pyramid star pattern.

6. Write a C program to print inverted pyramid star pattern.

7. Write a C program to print half left side of pyramid star pattern.

8. Write a C program to print half right side of pyramid star pattern.

9. Write a C program to print inverted half left side of pyramid star pattern.

10. Write a C program to print inverted half right side of pyramid star pattern.

11. Write a C program to print hollow diamond star pattern.

12. Write a C program to print swastika star pattern.

13. Write a C program to print heart shape star pattern.

Keep visiting, Keep learning.....🙃

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