C program to print given number is even or odd using function

Ex: write a C program to print given number is even or odd using function. How to write a C program to print given number is even or odd using function. C program to print given number is even or odd using function.

Input from user:

Enter the number: 24

Expected output:

Given number is even

  Step by step logic of the given program:

1. First declare function give meaningful name say even().

2.  Inside the main() accept input(number) from user, declare varible say no.

3.  Call function and store returned value in variable r.

4.  If  returned value is 0 if(r==0) print is even otherwise print is odd.

5. inside the function check number is even or odd using if(no%2==0) return 0 else return 1.

  C program to print given number is even or odd using function:

int even(int);

int main()

int no,r=0;
printf("Enter the number\n");


printf("Given number is even");
printf("Given number is odd");
int even(int no)
return 0;
return 1;

Above program shows the following output:

C program to print given number is even or odd using function

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Function's in C with their Syntax, Advantages & Types

Definition: Function is a self-contained block of statement that perform a coherent tasks. using function  we can divide a large program into the basic building blocks.

There are many functions we are used already such as- printf()scanf()pow()sqrt() and most important function is main().

  Types of function's:

There are two types of function's.

  1. Standard library functions.
  2. User-defined functions.

1. Standard library functions:  Functions which already have a definition in header files(like stdio.h) this type of functions are called standard library functions. Which are printf()scanf()puts()gets() etc. 

2. User defined functions: The functions that we create in a program this type of functions are called as user defined functions.

In this tutorial we will learn how works user defined functions.


 return_type function_name (argument list)
 // block of statements

  • How It works?:
1.Return type: means  datatype such as int, double, char, float, void, short etc.

2.Function name: you can give any name to function. But to understand easily we will give meaningful name to functions.

3.Argument list: It contains variable names with there data types.

4.Block of statement/code: It will be executed whenever a call will be made to the function.

   Advantages of user defined functions:

1. The program will easier to understand by using functions.

2. It makes possible top down modular programming.

3. The length of the program can be reduced by using functions.

4. Large programs we can divide into  smaller modules using functions.

  Example program of user defined function:

Below program shows the working of the user defined functions.

void function();//function prototype declaration

void main()
 printf("Hii from main()\n");
 function();//function calling
void function()//function definition
 printf("Hii from user defined function");

Above program shows the following output:

Function's in C with there syntax, advantages & types

Function's in C with Exercises and Solutions

Function is a self-contained block of statement that perform a coherent tasks. using function  we can divide a large program into the basic building blocks.
For more details click on the below link:

There are many functions we have already used before in our C program's such as- printf(), scanf(), pow(), sqrt() and most important function is main().

There are two types of function's in C:

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Switch-Case in C with Exercises and Solutions

Switch case is used when we need to test the value of a variable and compare it with multiple cases if case match is found then block of code will be executed and if match is not found, then default statement will be executed.

In this exercise we will practice lot of Switch case questions or examples with their solutions. Below is the list of switch case examples with their solutions.

  Exercises and examples of Switch-case:

1. C program to print number between 1 to 10 in character format using switch-case.

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C program to check password is correct or incorrect using switch-case

Ex: write a C program to check password is correct or incorrect using switch-case. How to write a C program to check given password is correct or incorrect using switch-case. C program to check password is correct or incorrect using switch-case.

Input from user:

Enter your password: 1010

Expected output:


Quick links:

  Step by step logic of the given program:

1. Accept input (password) from user declare variable say ps.

2. Switch the value of ps using switch(ps).

3. There is 1 possible value of ps(1010).

4. Therefore write 1 case inside the switch.

5. If  case does not match then for default case print incorrect password. 

  C program to check password is correct or incorrect using switch-case :

int main()
int ps;

printf("Enter your password: ");

case 1010:

return 0;

Above program shows the following output:

C program to check password is correct or incorrect using switch-case

C program to print day of week using switch-case

Ex: write a C program to print day of week using switch-case. How to write a C program to print day of week using switch-case. C program to print day of week using switch-case.

Input from user:

Enter number of day: 4

Expected output:


Quick links:

  Step by step logic of the given program:

1. Accept day number from user declare variable say no.

2. Switch the value of no using switch(no).

3. There are six possible values of no which are 1,2,3,4,5,6&7.

4. Therefore write 6 cases inside the switch.

5. If any case does not matches then for default case print enter number between 1-7.

  C program to print day of week using switch-case:

int main()

 int no;

  printf("Enter number of day:");


  case 1:  printf("\nMonday");

  case 2:

  case 3:

  case 4:

  case 5:

  case 6:

  case 7:
  printf("Enter number between 1-7");

 return 0;


Above program shows the following output:

C program to print day of week using switch-case

C program to create calculator using switch-case

Ex: Write a C program to create calculator using switch-case. How to write a C program to create calculator using switch-case. C program to create calculator using switch-case.

Input from user:

Enter Number1[+,-,*,/] Number 2:

Expected output:

Answer is= 5.000000

    Quick links:

  Step by step logic to create calculator using switch-case:

1. Accept two numbers and operator from user variable say no1, no2 , op.

2. Switch the value of op using switch(op).

3. There are four possible values of op +, -, *, /.

4. For case '+' perform addition and  print this, similarly for case '-' perform subtraction and print this using printf.

5. Repeat this process for multiplication and division.

6. In the last for default case print Invalid Operator.

  Program to create calculator using switch-case:

int main()
    char op;
    float no1, no2;

 printf("\t  SIMPLE CALCULATOR\n");
 printf("Enter  Number1 [+,-,*,/] Number2 \n");
scanf("%f%c%f", &no1,&op,&no2);

        case '+': 
    printf("Answer= %f",no1+no2);

        case '-': 
    printf("Answer= %f",no1-no2);

        case '*': 
    printf("Answer= %f",no1*no2);

        case '/': 
    printf("Answer= %f",no1/no2);

     printf("Invalid operator");
    return 0;

Above program shows the following output:

C program to create calculator using switch-case, Create calculator using switch case in C programming language

C program to accept id from user to confirm department using switch-case

Ex: write a C program to accept id from user and display department. How to write a C program to accept id from user and display department. C program to accept id from user and display department.

Input from user:

Enter your ID: 11

Expected output:

Software development

    Quick links:

  Step by step logic of the given program:

1. Accept input(id) from user declare variable say id.

2. Switch the value of id using switch(id) and match with cases.

3. Inside the body of switch we will give 6 possible values of no

4. Therefore write 6 cases inside the switch.

5. If any case does not matches then for default case print invalid ID.

  C program to accept id from user to confirm department using switch-case:

void main()
int id;

printf("Enter your ID: ");

    case 11:
    case 12:
    case 13:
   printf("Software department");
    case 21:
    case 22:
    case 23:
  printf("Developer department");
    printf("Invalid ID");


Above program shows the following output:

C program to accept id from user to confirm department using switch-case

C program to print number between 1 to 10 in character format using switch-case

 Ex: write a C program to print  number between 1 to 10 in character formate. How to write a C program to print number between 1 to 10 in character format. C program to print number between 1 to 10 in character format.

Input from user:

Enter the number between 1 to 10:  5

Expected output:

You entered FIVE

    Quick links:

  Step by step logic of the given program:

1. Accept input (number) from user variable say no.

2. Switch the value of no using switch(no) and match with cases.

3. Inside the body of switch we will give 10 possible values of no  i.e. 1 to 10

4. Therefore we will write 10 cases inside the switch.

5. If any case does not matches then for default case print invalid number.

  C program to print  number between 1 to 10 in character format using switch-case:

void main()
int no;

printf("Enter the number between 1 to 10: ");

case 1:
printf("You entered ONE");
 case 2:
printf("You entered TWO");
 case 3:
printf("You entered THREE");
 case 4:
printf("You entered FOUR");
 case 5:
printf("You entered FIVE");
case 6:
printf("You entered SIX");
 case 7:
printf("You entered SEVEN");
 case 8:
printf("You entered EIGHT");

case 9:
printf("You entered NINE");

case 10:
printf("You entered TEN");
printf("Invalid number");


Above program shows the following output:

C program to print  number between 1 to 10 in character format using switch-case

Switch-case in C Definition and Syntax

Definition: The control structure that allows us to make decision from the number of choices is called as switch

Below is shown syntax of Switch case.


  What is break statement?

Switch statement tests the value of a variable and compares it with multiple cases. Ones the case match is found a block of statements associated with that particular case is executed.

To Explore switch-case statements examples and their solutions ðŸ‘‰Click Here.